(KARCI) is a nonprofit and voluntary state organization of Professional Inspectors originally formed in 2004 and formally incorporated in 2019. KARCI strives to…”promote excellence and professionalism in the inspection industry; to provide a standard of practice and code of ethics; and to inform the public of the benefits and scope of a professional inspection.”
Position Statement
The Kansas Association of Residential & Commercial Inspectors (KARCI) is devoted to protecting the public through excellence in real estate inspections and advancing the profession of inspecting homes and commercial buildings.
Inspectors can count on KARCI to speak for them and advocate the best interests of the profession. KARCI will unfailingly speak up for inspectors in all situations, whether it be legislation, public policy or other forums. In doing so, KARCI consistently advances the best interests of homeowners, the inspection profession, and the general public.
Likewise, KARCI advances the public interest in professional real estate inspection, through education, improving standards and being a voice or advocate for consumers. It is crucial for the public to be able to rely on a building inspection report when so many other influences, including contracts and other agreements, may depart from undivided, unbiased loyalty to the client alone. Only an unbiased property inspector provides such services. KARCI recognizes they do so at comparatively economical fees for the service(s) provided.
Inspectors, consumers and others can depend on KARCI to provide professional guidance and unstinting support in the inspection process. KARCI is committed to this will constantly seek to further this goal in either residential or commercial inspections.
Whether you are a homebuyer, homeowner, investor, lender, or real estate professional, you will recognize the value in working with KARCI’s professional inspectors. KARCI inspectors are among the best professional inspectors found anywhere. As a consumer or real estate professional, you will quickly recognize that KARCI concentrates on the issues and property conditions found in the State of Kansas or bordering states. Our Board of Directors and members are comprised of individuals that work throughout the states and have local interests in mind.
The Kansas Association of Residential & Commercial Inspectors (KARCI) represents Kansas inspectors. KARCI’s goals are to promote the importance of professional inspections and enhance the performance and skills of professional Kansas inspectors.