Fee is $55 for Chapter Members
$75 for Others – Seminar, Lunch, Breaks, Handouts

Home Inspectors Seminar
Sept 17, 2022

Social Distancing Practiced & Masks Optional

8:30 – 9:00

9:00 – 9:15
New Business / Introductions

9:15 – 11:45
Defensive Report Writing to Help Lower Your Liability

11:45 – 12:15
Legislative Issues for Inspectors in 2023

12:15 – 12:45
Lunch (provided in your registration fee)

12:45 – 1:15
Legislative Issues Con’t

1:15 – 3:45
Your Business – Take Off / The Flight / The Landing

6 Miles West of I-35 / off I-435 at the Midland Drive Exit
Hampton Inn & Suites
16555 Midland Drive
Shawnee, KS 66217

Call Dan Bowers
(918) 816-0607 (cell)
(816) 455-8787 (off)
Email: theholmescompany@hotmail.com

This session, informs and engages inspectors in a presentation that detail show to minimize risk and maximize protection from meritless claims.

This session will help a home inspector recognize how to: write a more thorough inspection report according to their SoP and the inspector’s own observations; use terminology like “no visible evidence” for their own protection; understand and practice the 3 main functions of their report develop report comments that help lower liability and protect the client; realize the importance to communicate in writing the need of correcting defects. We will also the risks in exceeding their “Standards-of-Practice”.

For the last several years home inspectors in Kansas and Missouri have been threatened with un-needed and burdensome licensing attempts pushed by another profession (the Realtors), and in Kansas the Realtors have been aided by a handful of home inspectors based in Wichita stating they speak for about250-260 inspectors in Kansas (actually they’re mostly just a mailing list).

Many newer inspectors don’t know who the special interest groups are OR that these groups try to put requirements on US that they themselves don’t have.

Due to the pandemic and other legislative priorities; the hard work by some of the veteran inspectors in InterNACHI, ASHI, the Engineers, sympathetic legislators, and a few consumer groups these onerous were stopped.

However Bills will be brought up again AND in Kansas the Realtors are telling their members getting you LICENSED is their #1 Legislative Goal for 2023.

Many newer inspectors or those wanting to become a multi-inspector company have expressed an interest in learning more about starting and operating a successful company; marketing, sustaining and growing it; we will discuss the right and wrong way of doing business and practical approaches to develop systems and processes to hep you start, maintain and expand your business;and then at some point in your career developing a profitable exit strategy.

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